cadeaux et ateliers en carton et papier eco-friendly
cadeaux et ateliers en carton et papier eco-friendly

Eco-friendly gifts

Are you looking for an eco-friendly gift to give for a birthday , a wedding or a baptism, an alternative to plastic, toys that have meaning and games that convey your values?

At My Little Day, our goal for the coming years is to offer you a 100% responsible and ethical offer . While you wait to get there, discover our selection of responsible and clever toys and gifts. “Clean” materials such as recycled and recyclable cardboard, educational toys that inspire the imagination or even more ethical manufacturing sectors, that’s what we offer you! Find brands like Djeco, Poppik and OMY among our eco-responsible selection : goodies, games, activities and DIY kits for young and old that will guarantee you hours of fun!

Eco-friendly gifts

Are you looking for an eco-friendly gift to give for a birthday , a wedding or a baptism, an alternative to plastic, toys that have meaning and games that convey your values?

At My Little Day, our goal for the coming years is to offer you a 100% responsible and ethical offer . While you wait to get there, discover our selection of responsible and clever toys and gifts. “Clean” materials such as recycled and recyclable cardboard, educational toys that inspire the imagination or even more ethical manufacturing sectors, that’s what we offer you! Find brands like Djeco, Poppik and OMY among our eco-responsible selection : goodies, games, activities and DIY kits for young and old that will guarantee you hours of fun!

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The highest price is 21,00 €


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