Anniversaire Alice au Pays des Merveilles
Anniversaire Barbie
Anniversaire Batman
Anniversaire Blanche Neige
Anniversaire Mickey & Minnie
Anniversaire Encanto
Anniversaire Frida Kahlo
Anniversaire Harry Potter
Anniversaire Hello Kitty
Anniversaire Gatsby le Magnifique
Anniversaire Les Minions
Anniversiare Pat'Patrouille
Anniversaire Peter Pan
Anniversaire Petit Chaperon Rouge
Anniversaire Pokémon
Anniversaire Pirate
Anniversaire Princesse
Anniversaire Reine des Neiges
Anniversaire Robin des bois
Anniversaire Sirène
Anniversaire Star Wars
Anniversaire Super Héros
Anniversaire Super Mario
Anniversaire Vaiana
🕵️ Characters
For a great birthday, focus on their favorite characters!
Obviously there are the Disney princesses: Frozen, Snow White and Moana... There are also the great classics: Mickey, Snoopy, Hello Kitty. And of course the superheroes!
The My Little Day team’s favorite character? It's Frida Kahlo's birthday! Engaging, colorful and which makes you want to travel, this theme has it all!
For a great birthday, focus on their favorite characters!
Obviously there are the Disney princesses: Frozen, Snow White and Moana... There are also the great classics: Mickey, Snoopy, Hello Kitty. And of course the superheroes!
The My Little Day team’s favorite character? It's Frida Kahlo's birthday! Engaging, colorful and which makes you want to travel, this theme has it all!