Our history

Au départ (2010), il y a deux mamans, Gabriella Toscan du Plantier et Dorothée Monestier, comme il y en a beaucoup. Deux mamans qui courent, qui courent, toujours une montre à la main et cette musique entêtante : « en retard, en retard... ». Et maintenant, c’est le grand jour, l’anniversaire du petit dernier. Huit de ses petits copains, de vrais petits anges, vont venir passer l’après-midi à la maison. Malgré le retard accumulé, pas question de céder à la facilité, de courir acheter le kit «spider» ou «kitty». Pas question non plus de dépenser plus ou de faire 10 boutiques. Pas question car pas le temps, pas l’énergie, pas les idées et pas les finances. Lasses de courir, Gabriella Toscan du Plantier et Dorothée Monestier ont décidé de créer My Little Day en 2010 et de faire de ce jour si spécial un des plus beaux jours de l’année. Un des plus détendus aussi !

The portrait of Dorothée and Gabriella by the talented Iris De Moüy

In 2010 , Dorothée and Gabriella embarked on the crazy adventure of birthday snacks. Graduates in art history, working in decoration and contemporary art, they created My Little Day with three ideas in mind: to be of service, to offer the most beautiful and to create unforgettable memories . Thus was born a comprehensive online store that looks like a magazine. Parents found everything they needed and more: ideas, entertainment tips, inspiration. The irreverent, glam and rock universe is essential. The decor, the costumes and the cakes set the tone. The party will be impeccable upon arrival and staggered upon departure.

Today My Little Day hasn't aged a bit, always more sophisticated, always more exhaustive. Fashions have changed: superheroes are still great and animals now have a hell of a rating. The ideas for entertainment and parties have multiplied. The selection too but the idea is always the same: to be the secret weapon of overwhelmed parents, to be the tool kit that makes memories. Easter, Halloween, Advent, Christmas... Adults have gotten caught up in the game, and all occasions are now good for playing and decorating: bachelorette parties, weddings, baby showers and other family celebrations can no longer be held without a bunch of balloons, a surprise, a little attention. Because there can never be too many parties. And partying is life.

My Little Day advocates lightness and wonder. However, it is sustainability that has become our guiding principle for several years , our questions about the planet and its inhabitants guide all our choices. Our decisions are made with the aim of reducing our carbon footprint, the products in our collections are now all responsibly manufactured in Europe. In short, My Little Day is the friend you can count on : generous, cool, responsible, inspiring and always the perfect party company.  

The kids from My Little Day