Forest cookie cutter (2)
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5,80 €
Regular price
5,80 €
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  • 2 emporte piece foret pour gateau anniversaire foret enfant
  • Idée de gateaux à faire avec emporte piece pour un anniversaire foret
  • 2 emporte piece foret pour gateau anniversaire foret enfant
  • Idée de gateaux à faire avec emporte piece pour un anniversaire foret

Forest cookie cutter (2)

Regular price
5,80 €
Regular price
5,80 €
Sale price
- 2 cookie cutters - Acorn and squirrel - Dimensions: acorn 6 x 4.3 x 2.2 h cm - squirrel 6.5 x 6.8 x 2.2 h cm 2 drill cookie cutters in the shape of a squirrel and acorn, perfect for making pretty biscuits to offer to children... Read more

- 2 cookie cutters
- Acorn and squirrel
- Dimensions: acorn 6 x 4.3 x 2.2 h cm - squirrel 6.5 x 6.8 x 2.2 h cm

2 drill cookie cutters in the shape of a squirrel and acorn, perfect for making pretty biscuits to offer to children during a drill birthday .

Find all our DIY forest birthday ideas on our blog!