How do you organize a pirate birthday?
After watching “Pirates of the Caribbean” and Peter Pan, your child or your lover (it works too) has decided that this year their birthday will be on the theme of adventure. He therefore decided to make apirate theme birthday! Don't panic, we'll summarize the steps for youorganize a pirate birthdayon the blog. We tell you everything: how to go on a treasure hunt? How to make a pirate table runner, pirate birthday invitations or even sailor marshmallows!! And if you're still in doubt after that, head to the wonderful exploits of our community! #dailydoseoffiesta
How do you make pirate decoration?
Ahlalalala is a vast subject because not everyone has a ship within reach or even a beach where they can hide treasure. For yourpirate decoration, we would advise you to create an area of sand with semolina but that would be a real waste so to keep it simple, you can cover the table with gold coins, fly a pirate flag, create a forest of balloons with colors of piracy and install a pirate pinata to feel like you're watching Captain Hook's ship sail through the sky!
How do you dress up for a pirate theme birthday party?
A boy’s pirate costume? A girl’s pirate costume? When you're a pirate, girl or boy, it doesn't matter. Cabin sailor, pirate, captain, privateer or cabin boy, the essentials for apirate birthdayis to have a pirate hat, pirate makeup, pirate tattoos, and apirate telescopein hand ! The ultimate model remains Captain Hook, an indestructible icon!