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🎈10€ offerts avec le code SPRING10 dès 50€ d’achat

1 scorpion candy
Regular price
0,50 €
Regular price
0,50 €
Sale price
4.8 / 5 - 5 avis
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  • Bonbon scoprion pour pochette surprise anniversaire enfant
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1 scorpion candy

Regular price
0,50 €
Regular price
0,50 €
Sale price
4.8 / 5 - 5 avis
- Scorpion candy - Orders come randomly Are you organizing a Koh-Lanta themed party? Introduce these scary candies to your guests during a Denis Brogniard-style test! Lock them in a glass box and ask the children to guess which insect it is! Read more

- Scorpion candy
- Orders come randomly

Are you organizing a Koh-Lanta themed party? Introduce these scary candies to your guests during a Denis Brogniard-style test! Lock them in a glass box and ask the children to guess which insect it is!

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