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🎈10€ offerts avec le code SPRING10 dès 50€ d’achat

1 lipstick candy
Regular price
0,40 €
Regular price
0,40 €
Sale price
5 / 5 - 4 avis
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1 lipstick candy

Regular price
0,40 €
Regular price
0,40 €
Sale price
5 / 5 - 4 avis
- Lipstick candy - Color comes randomly from orders Lipstick candy, the star candy of our childhood! At carnival, at school fairs, at Halloween... Original candies to introduce to children, and to rediscover for adults! Perfect to slip into a surprise bag, a gift bag, a pinata or to... Read more

- Lipstick candy
- Color comes randomly from orders

Lipstick candy, the star candy of our childhood! At carnival, at school fairs, at Halloween... Original candies to introduce to children, and to rediscover for adults! Perfect to slip into a surprise bag, a gift bag, a pinata or to complete your candy bar.

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