5 popcorn boxes - Turquoise stripes
Regular price
4,20 €
Regular price
4,20 €
Sale price
3.9 / 5 - 8 avis
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  • 5 boîtes à pop corn avec des rayures turquoise pour pyjama party
  • Pochettes à pop corn rayures bleu turquoise pour déco table anniversaire
  • 5 boîtes à pop corn avec des rayures turquoise pour pyjama party
  • Pochettes à pop corn rayures bleu turquoise pour déco table anniversaire

5 popcorn boxes - Turquoise stripes

Regular price
4,20 €
Regular price
4,20 €
Sale price
3.9 / 5 - 8 avis
- 5 turquoise striped popcorn boxes - Dimensions: 13.5 x 8 cm Ideal for a birthday party, a baby shower candy bar or a pajama party. You can also use them as a surprise bag by filling them with sweets and small gifts to offer to guests. Read more

- 5 turquoise striped popcorn boxes
- Dimensions: 13.5 x 8 cm

Ideal for a birthday party, a baby shower candy bar or a pajama party.
You can also use them as a surprise bag by filling them with sweets and small gifts to offer to guests.