XX-Christmas candy cane
Regular price
2,20 €
Regular price
2,20 €
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XX-Christmas candy cane

Regular price
2,20 €
Regular price
2,20 €
Sale price
- 1 marshmallow lollipop - Dimensions: approximately 24cm in height with the stem - Net weight: 4g - Energy value: 335.7 Kcal/100g - Allergens: eggs A marshmallow lollipop in the shape of small skeletons, with a retro and delicious look. It will be perfect for decorating a Halloween table,... Read more

- 1 marshmallow lollipop
- Dimensions: approximately 24cm in height with the stem
- Net weight: 4g
- Energy value: 335.7 Kcal/100g
- Allergens: eggs

A marshmallow lollipop in the shape of small skeletons, with a retro and delicious look. It will be perfect for decorating a Halloween table, or to give as a small gift to guests and neighbors, to avoid bad luck.