What is masking tape?
Originally from Japan, themasking tapeis an adhesive tape made from washi paper. It is a decorative adhesive usually colored or printed with pretty designs, easy to tear by hand and repositionable. THEmasking tape is a must for creative hobbiesand can be used easily by young people. The little extra compared tostickersand classic adhesive tapes: you can write on them with a felt-tip pen or a pen, and it sticks!
What to do with masking tape?
Masking tape is perfect for creative workshops during a birthday, Wednesday afternoon or a rainy weekend. Super easy to use, these decorative ribbons allow you to customize and attach lots of things. You can hang photos in a child's room, attach a poster, decorate your notebooks, do scrapbooking or even customize a gift package. Cool idea:customize birthday cards with masking tape. They will also be perfect to slip as a small gift into apinataor a gift bag! Discover more DIY ideas to do with adhesive tape on our blog!
How to personalize a gift package with masking tape?
THEmasking tapeit is the ally of all your gift packages: easy to use, unroll, tear or reposition.Make beautiful gift packages with masking tapein no time ! It attaches to thegift wrapor the gift bag to close the edges in a clean and pretty way! And if you glued it wrong, don't panic, it can be repositioned! Quickly discover our selection ofmasking tapeso hot ! With original prints and sparkling colors, they are perfect for making all your gift packages a success!