1 candy burger
Regular price
3,00 €
Regular price
3,00 €
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  • Bonbon burger pour table gouter anniversaire enfant
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1 candy burger

Regular price
3,00 €
Regular price
3,00 €
Sale price
- 1 candy burger - Dimensions: 5x5x4cm - Weight: 50g This candy burger will delight all gourmands, young and old alike! It will be ideal as a little sweet treat to slip into a pinata or a surprise bag to offer at the end of a children's birthday... Read more

- 1 candy burger
- Dimensions: 5x5x4cm
- Weight: 50g

This candy burger will delight all gourmands, young and old alike! It will be ideal as a little sweet treat to slip into a pinata or a surprise bag to offer at the end of a children's birthday party! You can also use it to decorate a candy bar or a fancy dress party with a 100% American theme!